Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 12/20/12

With the Mayan calendar (a metric that has been of great relevance in our everyday lives throughout history) ending tomorrow, I was tempted to subtitle this podcast "Songs for the End of the World."

Then I realized, that could be the subtitle for all of my podcasts. I'm kind of a fatalistic guy.

In any case, the next of end of the world will come soon enough I'm sure so I could always use it then.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast


PB said...

The Barbaras "Grey Eggs"
Ladyhawk "Evil Eye"
Divine Fits "Baby Get Worse"
Savages "Husbands"
Nazi Gold "Stop"
Flesh Lights "Flashback to the Majestic"

Cheater Slicks "Psychic Toll"
Cruddy "Morass"
Blank Realm "Growing Inside"
Protomartyr "How He Lived After He Died"
The Lamps "Learned Hopelessness"

Gap Dream "Generator"

Brushback said...

I keep checking back, looking for your 'Best of' podcast. Or did you already do it and I'm just stupid? For some reason I'm trusting there'll be a song or two on it that I'll really like.