Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This Moment in Slack History: Morsels from the Last Great Era of the 7 Inch Record

"This Moment in Slack History" collects songs from 90s indie 7 inches. For further explanation, please see my original post here.

King Loser "Stairway to Heaven"

Most 90s band name ever? That's debatable but it takes some chutzpah to call a song "Stairway to Heaven." If only King Loser had succeeded in freeing us from the tyranny of the song we've heard ad nauseam for the past 40 or so years. Twas not to be. Auckland, New Zealand's King Loser released a pair of albums and a handful of singles from 1993 through 1997. This song is taken from their 1994 debut for the illustrious Flying Nun label and is probably their finest moment. It seems the band reunited for a one-off show earlier this year and even has a myspace page attesting to this.

Play or Download King Loser "Stairway to Heaven"

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