Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now That's What I Call Justice!

Or: Music Blogger Thrown in Jail for Endorsing Awful, Bloated, Multi-Million Dollar Disaster in the Making.

From the Los Angeles Times:
A man accused of posting nine previously unreleased songs by the rock band Guns N' Roses on a website where they could be accessed by the public was arrested at his home early today on suspicion of violating federal copyright laws, authorities said.

Kevin Cogill, 27, is accused of posting the songs, which were being prepared for commercial release, on the Internet blog Antiquiet in June, according to an arrest affidavit. The site received so much traffic after the songs were posted that it crashed, the affidavit states.

Cogill admitted to posting the songs when he was questioned by an FBI agent, according to the affidavit. He was arrested at his home in Culver City this morning and is expected to appear in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles later today, said Assistant U.S. Atty. Craig Missakian.
This is despite Cogill's position of quite possibly being the only person in the universe to enjoy said tracks, saying "if you ask me, Guns N’ Roses are fucking back, and they’ll be just fine."

The recording industry might also want to pick up the proprietors of a little known site called YouTube which has had the tracks up for at least a few months. Even with the flood of leaks it's hard to imagine any fan of Appetite for Destruction paying for something that sounds like Trent Reznor and Sade taking a nap but at least Tommy Stinson is employed.


  1. Wow, this blog is funny. I almost feel like an idiot for having never read it before.

  2. Wait, now I've scrolled down a bit and realize that I have read this blog before-- you just took some time off, or something. Boy, that's a relief.

    Still funny though.

  3. Thank you for the high praise, sir. And I see you're a Nig Heist fan so clearly you know funny.
