Tuesday, May 06, 2008

This Moment in Slack History: Morsels from the Last Great Era of the 7 Inch Record

"This Moment in Slack History" collects songs from 90s indie 7 inches. For further explanation, please see my original post here. And if you like what you're hearing please check out Mike Lupica's Anti Static podcast, which has a similar concept but much better execution. You can check it out here or subscribe to it via iTunes.

Fuck "Like You"
With a band name like Fuck, you probably don't expect acoustic guitars, do you? Despite their provocative name, Fuck were not especially abrasive though their records could be rather schizophrenic, rarely adhering to the same style for more than one song. Commercial or even remotely populist considerations were evidently very low on the list of priorities. I've always sort of considered Fuck something of a gentler cousin to Bay Area contemporaries Thinking Fellers Union Local 282. "Like You" is from their 2nd(?) 7", release of their own Rhesus label. Clear vinyl with "sleeves" made up of pages cut out what seems to be children's books. Thus, each copy was unique. This sleeve pictured above is from my copy. I think Gravity Records did something similar using fashion magazines with a Mohinder 7". It's a bit of a contrast from these days where everyone is literally sharing the same MP3 file. Ah, nostalgia. Anyway, Fuck is apparently still an active outfit with a new LP in the can. You can check out their official website here if you'd like.

Play or Download Fuck "Like You"

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