Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I bought a bunch of 45s

Now I'm going to tell you what I think of them. Truthfully I bought more than 4 but I'm slightly too distracted to articulate my relationship with all of them. Most of my readers complain anytime I post anything longer than 5 paragraphs anyway.

Meth Teeth Bus Rides 7" EP
If you told me these guys began life as a Beyond the Implode tribute band I might be forced to believe you. Meth Teeth revel in the static like many of today post-Messthetics bands but there's a creepy, almost Barrettesque psych vibe going on here. Brings to mind early SPK covering Skip Spence or perhaps the Strapping Fieldhands doing likewise with the Mudhutters. Very impressive. Apparently only 500 copies pressed so don't sleep on it.

Romance Novels "Another Summer" b/w "Quarter to Four"
Romance Novels, one of the few bands not just influenced by Mike Rep's recording techniques but also his songwriting. An inspired notion and pleasant enough listen but I didn't exactly fall in love with this one. Repeated spins might change my mind though. Neat packaging on the sublimely named Pizza Party Records label.

Jay Reatard "See/Saw" b/w "Screaming Head"
I see Mr Reatard is playing the Pitchfork Music Festival. Man, the PFM staff is sure try to make up for ignoring Blood Visions when it came out in 06, huh? Can't appear to be behind the curve. The kids might turn somewhere else to find the next Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah. What do you mean you forgot all about them? I digress. The first of JR's Matador single series sounds like he's still exploring his sensitive side ala last year's "I Know A Place" 45 though in all honesty neither cut here matches that one. Is that going to deter me from snatching up every other single in this series like their pressings are getting progressively smaller (which they are)? Nah. After consecutive home runs a double down the line only seems poor in comparison. After all, you're still scoring position and most of these other clowns can't even bat their weight.

Prisonshake The Nice Price 7"
This 45 is a teaser for Dirty Moons, Prisonshake's first new album in 15(!) years, and is available from the Scat Records website for only $1.50, hence the title. (There's a pricier limited edition colored-vinyl plus CD-R configuration if you're into that sort of thing.) The main attraction here is "The Cut-Out Bin" from the forthcoming LP. Featuring a Doug Elkner vocal in which he assumes the role of cranky old man telling the kids how it was done back in his day, the song actually sounds something like several old Prisonshake songs stapled together. It begins with a classic PS chug ala "Asiento" then goes into a quiet pre-chorus recalling Elkner sung ballads like "Hurry" before moving to a chorus that reminds one of "Fall Right Down". This is followed by a semi-atonal bridge, a scorching Robert Griffin solo, a rest, an entirely different pre-chorus that brings to mind "Quits," another chorus and that's it. A 3 minute long rock opera? Such ambition wouldn't be shocking from a band who released a box set as their debut album. And you gotta love a song whose chorus implores one to "Save a spot for us/Right behind the Pretty Things" in the bargain bins of the world's remaining record shops. The flip "Fake Your Own Death (Hey Asshole)" sounds like the Alice Cooper band playing "Green Onions" on downers until the last 3rd or so of the song which devolves into some weirdo noise/tape cut-ups. Neither song is "2 Sisters" but that would setting expectations way too high. It's good to have you back, boys.

Dirty Moons will be out on July 29th. You can preview it here.

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