Tuesday, December 04, 2007

This Moment in Slack History: Morsels from the Last Great Era of the 7 Inch Record

"This Moment in Slack History" collects songs from 90s indie 7 inches. For further explanation, please see my original post here.

Envelope "Trophy" and "Try Again"
Envelope was fronted by Matador Records co-president Gerard Cosloy. The band put out 4 7 inches (the fourth and final was a double so I guess it's 5 if you want to get technical) none of which were actually released by Matador though I suppose the band may have wanted to keep a relatively low profile. I actually got to see Envelope perform in 94 or so opening for Cobra Verde and Strapping Fieldhands at Sideshow's by the Seashore in Coney Island. Terrific venue. Anyone know if it's there anymore? In any case, it's definitely a point of interest to hear one of the most influential figures in independent music for the past 3 decades front his own band. (His stint as a GG Allin sideman didn't really count.) Cosloy is still making music with the Air Traffic Controllers and when not running his multi-media empire is writing a sports blog with the most extensive Lastings Milledge coverage on the web.

These two songs are both from Envelope's 3rd 45. Both are seethingly bitter break up songs. If neither rival "Soul and Fire" or "Couldn't You Wait?" as the definitive indie rock heartache song they're at least in the same league. Enjoy!

Play or Download Envelope "Trophy"

Play or Download Envelope "Try Again"


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    hmm. not every tough-to-find 7" from that era has aged very well, apparently.

    On the other hand, I can take considerable pride in having provided a stylistic and lyrical blueprint for Kirk Van Houten's "Can I Borrow A Feeling?"

    I'm also happy to say neither of the above recordings represents the high water mark in engineer James Murphy's storied career.

  2. This is an amazing moment for me-- I have never before in my life even seen an Envelope record.
